Friday, January 25, 2008

On Metaknowledge

Lately, I have been pushing myself in many areas I'm unfamiliar with. I'm hunting for a new job, trying to get back into school in the fall, reaching out to a different social circle and starting up this blog as a writing exercise. I have minimal experience in any of these areas, but while I'm stumbling a lot I have not actually ground to a halt. This I feel is because, while I lack knowledge in most of these areas, I have over the years accumulated some degree of meta-knowledge.

Meta knowledge, as I think of it, is the know-how of finding things out. It is knowing who to ask, and what to ask, to gain the information you need to accomplish something. It is of course slower to use meta knowledge to, for example, start up a blog than it is for someone who already possess the know-how. This is a problem for me, and I imagine many others, because our world is so time-limited.

To enroll in a college program beginning next September, I must apply in January and navigate a byzantine task-list including contacting several separate school systems for transcript requests, scheduling and attending various assessment sessions, and other peripherally related tasks all before the end of February. Had I known all of these procedures and the optimal order for them to be performed in ahead of time, there would be more than enough time to get them all accomplished. However, since I have no experience with navigating the enrollment procedure, I find myself rushing towards the deadlines. Worse, the need to apply immediately has forced me to select courses of study before I've had the time to really research the industries they're associated with.

(Note: the Blogger editor is fighting with me.  I can't get an unexplained jump out of the text after 'Had I known'.  I'm frustrated, so I'm putting it aside for now.)

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